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Making your own DIY Lip Gloss is easy and fun!

Last week I had Activity Day Girls. For those of you new to the blog this is a group of 8 – 12 year old girls who I get to play with twice a month. It is my calling or job at church. We have lots of fun together but in addition to having fun my co-leader and I always try to teach them something.
Last week we decided to make lip gloss. In order to teach them something valuable at the same time we had a little lesson on gossip. My co-leader put a great lesson together. We started with a game of telephone. You know that game. You whisper something in someones ear and they whisper in in the next person’s ear and by the time it gets to the end of the line what was originally whispered has been changed and is nothing like it started out as. We told the girls that is what happens with gossip. It starts out as one thing and then as it gets passed from person to person it gets changed into something else. Usually something untrue and unkind.
For another object lesson we went outside into the garden and poured glitter into one of the girl’s hands – she then had to try to pass all of it to the next person without losing a single piece. Obviously glitter was sticking to hands and scattering to the floor. It was impossible to retrieve it all. We pointed out to the girls that gossip is often like the glitter. We believe we can control it, but once it leaves our mouths we can no longer choose how the information is handled. Similar to glitter, once gossip is released, it spreads and is virtually impossible to retrieve.
After our lesson on gossip we made DIY Lip Gloss so that they could always have sweet lips that remember to only speak kind words.
We made our lip gloss out of coconut oil and un-petroleum jelly. Both can be purchased at Whole Foods or other natural food stores. For coloring and flavoring I tried two different things. Crystal Light drink mix and for a more natural choice (no artificial sweetener) I used Emergen-C .
The difference between the two different drink mixes is with the Emergen-C you pretty much got the same color with every flavor – there wasn’t much difference in color. With the Crystal Light you got variations in color depending on the flavor you used.
Step One: Place about 1 tsp of coconut oil and 1 tsp of un-petroleum jelly in a microwavable bowl. The amounts will depend on the size of the container you are putting it in. Place in microwave for about 60 seconds or until oil and jelly is melted.
Step Two: Place powdered drink mix into the melted oil (about 1/2 tsp – 1 tsp. or amount needed to get desired color) Stir and stir until the mix dissolves. It may not totally dissolve and that is o.k. because as it sits in the container will dissolve some more.
Step Three: After it is pretty much dissolved pour it into your container. I purchased our lip gloss containers at the craft store in the bead section. They are designed to hold beads.
Then just let the lip gloss set up.
The girls loved the project and the lesson. Each girl went home with two pots of lip gloss and this book mark I found here to remind them to always speak kind words.
Aveslays says
Colissa Teeter says
What a wonderful idea with a great lesson!! I will be doing this for activity day!! THANK YOU!!
Marcia Dove says
I’ll Have To Try The Crystal Light & Thank You For The Un Petroleum Jellie. That Was An AWESOME Lesson.
Lovie says
I can’t wait to try this with my granddaughters!